Pelham bits The pelham is available with short and long cheecks. A pelham with short cheeks is also called a baby pelham. A pelham with long cheeks is a regular pelham. This bit can be used with one or two reins. Also available are pelham straps also know as "a bridge", it connects the bit guards with the rings which are attached to the cheeks of the bit. When using this strap only one rein will be used. The pelham is used in conjunction with a chinstrap or curb chain. A pelham is often used with stronger horses. By the lever of the cheecks this bit operates deeply. Through the use of a pelham, it is easier to set up a horse deeper. The longer the cheeks, the sharper the action. The pelham is not suitable for inexperienced riders or horses, this bit can function quite strong. Note, on KNHS matches it is mandatory with the pelham to ride with one rein in combination with pelham straps, the curb chain must also have a protector.