Grooming articles and everything for the care of your horse - Want to buy your new cleaning supplies or other care products for your horse? Our range of grooming articles is very large and consists of among others of hoof picks, hard and soft brushes, head and hoof brushes, sarvis brushes, curry combs, massage brushes, grooming sets, grooming bags, grooming cases, mane combs, pull combs, grooming scissors, thinning scissors, lambswool grooming gloves, sweat scrapers, sponges, grooming blocks, braiding bands, waxed braid rope and much more for the care of horses. Buying a clipper for your horse? Of course, also for a clipper you have come to the right place at De Kroo Ruitersport. We sell the absolute best of clipping machines of the Liscop brand. From Liscop we have among others the strong Equi-Clip Perfect clipping machine with a very strong output, very suitable for the professional user. The clipping machine Liscop Lite 1400 is also a good clipper, light and compact and thus very woman friendly in use. Besides clipping machines for the entire horse, we also sell trimming machines for hard to reach places and grooming work. The clippers Wahl Show Pro or Sectolin SE-200 are trimming machines. Do you mind, when buying a clipping machine, the oil and perhaps Wahl Clipping Machine Cleaner Blade Ice?