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Manicouagan Clay is a natural product that comes from a unique, unpolluted ecosystem: the Manicouagan Peninsula in Quebec.
This clay contains interstitial seawater that has been imprisoned in the clay since time immemorial. Laboratory analysis reveals the presence of forty-two
different atomic elements and a huge diversity of marine plants and algae.
Manicouagan Sea Clay is characterised in particular by high silicate, iron
oxide, and alumina concentrations. The marked presence of iron oxide gives it
its unique colour.
This type of clay is very rich in potassium, magnesium, and sodium, and
particularly rich in iron and calcium.
In practice:
When applied regularly to the legs, Manicouagan sea clay
- helps preserve well-defined tendons,
- firms the tissues, and
- cools down the limbs.
Brand | Kevin Bacon's |
Article number | E77425M000 |
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