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Oestress Liquid is a fast acting liquid tincture which compliments the mare’s natural oestrus cycle by encouraging regularity and providing extracts of herbal ingredients that have been used for hundreds of years to support hormone balance.
By improving her diet with Oestress, you are helping your mare to help herself. Oestress also provides bio-available magnesium to relax muscle tension
and encourage calmness. Lastly, Oestress is rich in natural antioxidants to
naturally support a healthy system.
Oestress should be fed daily throughout the spring and summer season and may be
increased in accordance with her oestrus cycle. However, if needed Oestress is
suitable for year round use.
Feed wherever seasonal behavioural changes and tension are seen in mares.
Horses & Ponies
Peak rate (3-5 days) 75-100 ml per day
Standard Maintenance 25-50 ml per day
Water, Magnesium chloride, Glycerine, Chastetree berries, Black cohosh,Crampbark
Brand | NAF |
Article number | NAF O90.5000 |
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