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HorseFlex Probiotics is a complementary feed for horses to support the intestinal flora.
A healthy bacterial culture in horses is very important for the digestion of food and for maintaining a strong immune system. Horses have a sensitive intestinal flora that could get out of balance due to a change of ration, a worm cure, colic or from the use of medication. HorseFlex probiotics is a custom made probiotic to support healthy bacterial strains that provide extra support for the intestinal flora of the horse. It keeps the bacterial cultures in the guts healthy and in balance.
The digestion of the horse starts in the mouth. Through saliva the food gets moved to the esophagus, towards the stomach. A horse has a small stomach, because they usually eat small amounts throughout the day. This means that there is a constant flow of food from the stomach to the intestines. First, the food enters the small intestine and afterwards the appendix, large intestine and rectum where the dung balls are formed. A horse produces feces 15 times a day.
In the appendix and the large intestine the roughage is mainly digested by the bacteria in it. The food moves very slowly through this part of the system. In this way the body of the horse is able to extract a lot of nutrients out of poor or hard to digest food. Because different bacteria strains live in the intestines, it means that you can’t just switch rations. Every strain has a different function and by changing the rations the bacteria don’t get the chance to relate to the new food that comes in.
Brand | HorseFlex |
Article number | 21092022 |
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