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Horseflex Psyllium is a feed material for horses to support the digestion and the intestines. It consists of the whole seeds of the Plantago Ovata plant and is 100% natural. It is mainly given to horses that eat (too much) sand. However, sand is not properly drained and completely excreted, this entails risks for your horse or pony. Psyllium seeds contributes to the removal of sand from the gastrointestinal tract. It creates a jelly-like sticky mass in the intestines to
which the remaining sand adheres and is efficiently removed in this way.
Why is my horse eating sand?
Eating sand is common in horses and usually occurs unnoticed through the feed or
while grazing. In rare cases a horse will eat sand because of a mineral
deficiency, possibly due to a lower immune system or because he is shedding his
winter coat. If your horse ingests more sand than normal, problems can arise in
the intestines. To tackle the problem, it is useful to find out the cause of the
sand eating.
-100% pure psyllium seeds
-Supports the disposal of sand out of the intestines
-Contributes to a healthy digestion
-No added sugars, artificial colours, fragrances and flavours
Brand | HorseFlex |
Article number | 3104-3105 |
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