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For ultimate stomach management
Cavalor Gastro Aid Paste creates a healthy environment in the stomach with a focus on neutralising stomach acid and protecting the stomach wall.In the equine stomach, stomach acid is produced 24/7. As a result, the horse's stomach is very susceptible to the development of sores and ulcers. The herbs in Cavalor Gastro Aid (Paste) provide the necessary protection for the stomach wall against excess stomach acid. To provide extra assistance for the stomach, they stimulate the production of saliva and help the stomach wall recover from any ulcers. Since horses with a sensitive stomach often have difficulty eating, Cavalor Gastro Aid is available as a liquid and paste in addition to powder.
Indication for use: Administer 2 syringes (120 g) per day for 6 days. Thereafter administer 1 syringe (60 g) per day for 6 days. Once the horse’s stomach is less sensitive and it is eating better again, you can switch from the paste to the powder or liquid form. The liquid and powder forms are also used daily as a preventive measure for horses that are susceptible to stomach ulcers. Unlike the drug Omeprazole, it does not stop the production of stomach acid. However, it does protect the stomach from damage caused by stomach acid.
FAQ Can I combine Cavalor Gastro 8 (Paste) with GastroGard®? yes, you can combine Cavalor Gastro 8 (Paste) with Gastrogard without any side effects. GastroGard is a prescription drug that shuts down acid production in the stomach, giving the ulcer time to heal. Cavalor Gastro 8 (Paste) provides factors to help neutralize acid production and stimulate regeneration. The dietary ingredients in Cavalor Gastro 8 (Paste) also help protect the stomach mucus on various levels using different nutritional appraoches. It is important to keep in mind that the incidence of gastric ulcers is extremely high, particularly in performance horses.
How are gastric ulcers diagnosed? External symptoms may be noticed such as drop in performance, sour attitude, poor hair coat, grinding teeth, picky eating, weight loss. Take into consideration these symptoms. Clinical examinations including gastroscopy should be used for diagnosing gastric ulcers.
Brand | Cavalor |
Article number | C82198016-ONESIZE |
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