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Cavalor Hepato Liq 250ml

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Product description

CAVALOR HEPATO LIQ - Professional Line
Restores liver condition after a heavy competition season

Indication for use:
Waste products of metabolism are detoxified or filtered by the liver and the
kidneys and subsequently removed from the horse's body. If that process fails to
function, waste products accumulate and liver and kidney function are altered in
particular ways. Liver cells, for example, may no longer have a chance to
regenerate (recover). Kidney and liver dysfunction may result in various
complaints and is difficult to diagnose, even for specialists, without using
various diagnostic tools. Cavalor Hepato Liq is a preparation for horses
containing natural substances which - as a supplement to the daily feed ration -
play an important role in the protection and regeneration of the liver and
kidneys but also lighten the workload on these organs. For example, the release
of bile salts is stimulated. The specific composition of Cavalor Hepato Liq
ensures that these substances are easily absorbed. In many cases results are
clearly noticeable after just one week. Active competition horses with a heavy
competition schedule are frequently given Cavalor Hepato Liq during rest periods
between or following a succession of events involving intense exercise.

Composition and safety of the product
Cavalor Hepato Liq contains herbs, antioxidants and amino acid compounds (see
packaging for label values).

Sprinkle 5 ml in the morning and 5 ml in the evening over the daily feed for
one week (dosage shown on the bottle). If necessary, this can be repeated at
intervals of 25 days. (Maximum dose per animal per day: 20 ml.)

- Bottle containing 250 ml


What are some common liver issues and symptoms?
Specific symptoms pointing to liver problems arise only when a high percentage
of the liver is already damaged. In earlier stages of liver damage there may be
non-specific signs such as: low appetite, weight loss, poor coat condition,
diarrhea, stomach pain, restlessness or tiredness. Jaundice and photosensitivity
of non-pigmented skin may also be related to liver disease. Horse owners should
contact a veterinarian when a liver problem is suspected.

Can I supplement with Cavalor Hepato Liq if my horse is currently taking other
Yes, you can.

Do I need to decrease the amount of supplements in my horse’s diet after a
competition season or during a break?
It is recommended to decrease supplementation during periods of rest. It is also
recommend to feed less if there is no activity. It is important to feed as
needed! During resting periods, we strongly recommend cleansing with Cavalor
Hepato Liq as it will allow the horse to better absorb nutrients. Less training
means less feeding. It is definitely important to feed as you need and take
activity into account. Horses may require more energy and vitamins during the
winter due to cold weather and shortage of daylight.


Brand Cavalor
Article number C82697101

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